Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 17:05:44 EST
From: Henry Holland Henry4FDR@AOL.COM
Subject: L-carnitine and PPS fatigue
Henry HollandIn an effort
to provide more information regarding L-carnitine and its use
in the management of the fatigue of PPS, the article below is offered for
your review. I have used Carnitor (L-carnitine) since early this year. I
feel that it has helped me. It is not a cure or a replacement for restful
sleep, intermittent down time throughout the day or the pacing of energy.
I have contacted Sigma Tau Pharmaceuticals, the manufacturer of Carnitor,
in an effort to encourage them to do a double blind, placebo-controlled
study on Carnitor in the treatment of PPS fatigue. To date, I have not
received a response. Judith Hughes of California gathered and organized
the information below. Read this information and make your own informed
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Central Virginia Post-Polio Support Group
The most basic and necessary treatment for the body/mind fatigue of post-polio syndrome is adequate rest (which might even require the help of mechanical ventilation) and the use of electro-mechanical supports such as braces, crutches and wheelchairs as needed.
What else can be done? We know the polio virus killed nerve cells, both in the body and in the brain. For almost a decade neurologists treating PPS have been prescribing drugs developed for other neuromuscular conditions. Examples are Mestinon and Amantadine, used otherwise to treat myasthenia gravis and Parkinson's disease respectively.
Another approach to treating PPS is to look beyond obvious paralysis and nerve cell damage and consider problems which develop secondarily as a result of polio. One way a person with significant polio damage differs from the norm is that he/she doesn't have as much muscle tissue. By the time one has to sit down most of the time, a great proportion of one's body's muscle mass is gone -- even if the rest of the body still functions. In a normal body, the legs and buttocks carry the weight of the body and have the biggest and strongest muscles.
Does a shortage of muscle itself have any effect on the body? Yes, It limits the amount of L-carnitine stored in the body. Thus, when needed for physical and mental functioning, it is not available. Our remaining muscles, which we push to the outer limits of their capacity, do not have the normal physiological support needed to keep them healthy.
In September 1994, M. J. Matheson, MD, wrote about L-carnitine (levocarnitine) and post-polio syndrome (Polio Network News, and posted later on the Internet). She described the 1993 study in Switzerland done by Dr. Thomas Lehmann who treated 27 persons with post-polio syndrome with 1000 (-3000) mg/day of L-carnitine. Most subjects reported improvement on a range of PPS symptoms like strength and fatigue. In explaining this improvement, Matheson theorized:
"the paralyzed or weakened muscles of the polio survivor are atrophying or atrophied as a result of the late effects of polio. Because there is less muscle, there is less possibility to store L-carnitine. When tissues become acidic (lactic acid from overuse) or there is desaturation of oxygen (due to respiratory insufficiency or bad vascularization) the concentration of L- carnitine is lower in the blood, tissues and cells. The (over)use of muscles (whether atrophied or overused in compensation) has been shown to cause a local fall in levels of L-carnitine. L-carnitine improves the metabolism of oxygen, fat and glucose and inhibits the use (abuse) of muscle proteins for energy production. The deregulation or decompensation of the metabolism of fatty acids, glucose, oxygen, and energy (necessary for good muscle function) because of a lack of L-carnitine could result in fatigue and weakness of the muscles."
Addendum: On Dr. Mavis J. Matheson
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What is L-carnitine?
L-carnitine is an amino acid derivative which plays a critical role in
fatty acid oxidation, the chemical process by which our bodies and minds
are energized. In heart and skeletal muscle, the primary fuel source is
mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation. L-carnitine has two functions. It is a
carrier molecule that transports fatty acids into cellular mitochondria
for their conversion into cellular energy, and it also moves potentially
toxic byproduct molecules out of the mitrochrondria after which they are
excreted in urine. L-carnitine is known to be important in nerve
functioning and in protecting nerves from injury, in part by enhancing the
activity of nerve growth factor. Normal muscle cells have a great
concentration of mitochondria required to power muscle cell contractions.
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Where do we get the L-carnitine we need?
75% of our bodies' stores of L-carnitine come from dietary red meat and
dairy products. We also, in our kidneys and liver, synthesize carnitine
from methionon and glutamine (with the aid of vitamin B6, vitamin C,
niacin, pantothenic acid and iron). Normal people with an adequate diet do
not need to take L-carnitine as a supplement. (Note: infant formulas are
fortified with carnitine.) Despite promotion by supplement companies,
"carnitine-loading", in which L-carnitine is used by athletes as an
ergogenic aid, has not been proven to result in improved endurance
performance. There is no known L-carnitine overdosing; excess L-carnitine
is excreted from the body.
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What are the established uses for L-Carnitine?
Some people are born unable to synthesize L-carnitine adequately. They
have what is called a "primary" deficit. The Muscular Dystrophy
Association recognizes certain conditions caused by the body's inability
to make L- carnitine; these result in weakness of the shoulders, hips,
face and neck muscles and the inability to sustain moderate exercise
without kidney damage. L-carnitine metabolism is abnormal in patients with
end-stage renal disease; both the process of dialysis and the dietary
changes decrease L-carnitine intake. L-carnitine is being used to treat
these conditions. Additionally, L- carnitine is being used experimentally
for some conditions which include angina, peripheral vascular disease,
dyslipidemia, and diabetes. L-carnitine treatment initiated early after
acute myocardial infarction and continued for 12 months can reduce the
dilation of the left ventricle that normally follows an MI.
There is considerable, ongoing research into L-carnitine's many functions in the body and brain. Carnitine easily passes through the blood brain barrier (BBB). Researchers are beginning to study the possibility that L-Carnitine might be useful in helping drugs get through the BBB. Interesting also is the fact that L-carnitine is also a precursor for acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter whose breakdown is inhibited by Mestinon.
While there have been no L-carnitine studies done on post-polio in the United States, there are studies demonstrating L-carnitine's effectiveness in reducing fatigue in patients suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Like PPSers, the level of L-carnitine in CFSers is low. L-carnitine studies have also been done on early Alzheimer's patients and significant improvements in behavior and attention have been demonstrated.
To get an idea about the scope of the serious research being done on L-
carnitine, go to "PubMed" and do a search on "carnitine". PubMed is the
Medline search service provided by the National Library of Medicine. The
site address is: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/PubMed/.
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Dosage and Usage
Since this drug hasn't been extensively tested on PPSers, there are no
guidelines for the treatment of PPS fatigue. We need to use common sense,
as always. Lehmann's subjects took 1000 mg / day. There are reports about
people in Australia who take twice that amount. When first starting
L-carnitine therapy, it would be wise to begin with a moderate amount,
perhaps 500 mg / day for a week until you get a feeling for how it is
affecting your body. Then you might work up to 1000 mg or even 1500. We
are all different. Some people take 1000 mg / day upon waking, on an empty
stomach, and have no problems. Others space L-carnitine over the day. If
taken too late in the day, some people can't sleep. Other's can. Those who
take L-carnitine in the morning may find they are fading in the late
afternoon and might want to take an afternoon booster. You need to
experiment. If you are taking Mestinon, keep taking it.
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Acetyl-carnitine vs L-Carnitine
Acetyl-carnitine is chemically related to L-carnitine but is not the same.
The body converts L-carnitine into acetyl-carnitine as needed. Apparently,
there is a metabolic dysfunction which impairs the transformation from
L-carnitine to acetyl-carnitine. Bought OTC, acetyl-carnitine is more
expensive, said to be "more easily used" by the body.
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Prescription or OTC?
Since L-carnitine is sold both as a prescription drug as well as over-the-
counter (OTC). It would seem sensible to get it in prescription form if
you can. With less controls on the manufacture of OTC supplements, you
might not get what you pay for and, if you don't, you won't get the
benefit pure L- carnitine would provide. Medicaid (at least in California)
pays for prescription L-carnitine.
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Prescription Carnitine
L-Carnitine is available as a prescription drug under the names:
Carnitine, Carnitor, L-Carnitine and Vitacarn. Carnitor, manufactured by
Sigma Tau, seems to be the most widely stocked brand. The generic name is
levocarnitine. There are no known interaction effects between L-carnitine
and other drugs or foods. There are no known diseases for which
L-carnitine is known to be harmful. Note: If your L-carnitine comes
wrapped in plastic containers, leave them wrapped up until you use them.
Out in the air they absorb moisture and can crumple up.
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OTC Carnitine
Dozens of nutritional supplement companies make L-carnitine. Because of a
lack of quality oversight, there is great variability in purity in
"supplement" L- carnitine. Supplement companies make a distinction between
"acetyl-l- carnitine" and L-carnitine, saying that the acetyl form is
absorbed more easily.
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There is a product sold in health food stores called vitamin Bt. It
contains a MIXTURE of D-carnitine and L-carnitine. This is NOT the same as
L-carnitine and can cause problems. Be sure to take L-carnitine only.
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Note: L-carnitine and Coenzyme Q10
In a study reported in Molecular Aspects of Medicine, 1997, the effects of
100 mg / day of Q10 on skeletal muscle energy metabolism in middle-aged
post polios was studied. The results suggest Q10 supplementation improves
muscle energy metabolism in post-polio individuals. Q10 is a nutrient that
works with L-carnitine to facilitate mitochondria energy production.
L-carnitine and Q10 complement each other metabolically and should be
taken together.
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Addendum: Dr. Mavis J. Matheson
Dr. Holland adds the following:
...Dr. Mavis J. Matheson is a physician
with PPS. She is the doctor mentioned in the L-carnitine article. She
lives in Regiina, Saskatchewan. Camada. She had to give up her medical
practice in 1993. In the November/December issue of the Florida East
Coast Post-Polio Support Group newsletter, there is an article authored by
Dr. Matheson on PPS as well as a short article entitled "My Story." She
writes:"Over a period of about 17 months, about three years ago, I went jogging 2
kilometers daily to needing my scooter to get around the house. Over the
past year, I have regained some strength and emotionally, I am in a whole
different world. I'm going to be OK! I am a physician with PPS. I gave
up my practice of medicine in 1993. I now write articles and read much
current medical literature."
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