Loners on Wheels is a club for singles only -- LEGALLY SINGLE. The Club does not do "backgrounds". Being legally single falls to the honor system. Members found to NOT be legally single lose their membership. The Club does not monitor personal affairs. Members of opposite gender, not blood related, occupying the same camping unit and attending an official Club event, lose their membership AUTOMATICALLY. Dues in the Club are $36.00 per year (U.S.) and $45.00 (foreign). Renewals are due annually during the month of original joining. Due dates are on membership cards and address labels. Late charge is $2.00 per month. Three months late results in being dropped. To rejoin incurs a new enrollment fee of $5.00, with a new join date.
Letter from the President, LOW .....
Loners on Wheels is a singles camping & RVing club with approx. 3,000 members across the US, Canada and Mexico. We publish a monthly newsletter and a yearly directory. There are now over 70 Chapters that have monthly campouts at various locations all over the country. These campouts are listed in the newsletter each month. There is also a mail call section to keep track of friends and to let other members keep track of you--always interesting to read about adventures. Dues are $36 per year with a one-time enrollment fee of $5. If any of you would like a sample newsletter, let me know. Or, you may write to:
- Loners on Wheels
- P.O. Box 1355,
- Poplar Bluff, MO 63902
My address is:
- Jane Franklin
- Box 1843
- Elko, NV 89803
We now have a permanent headquarters located at LoW-HI RV Ranch in Deming, NM. This is an RV park that is open to the public and I would invite each of you to visit if you get a chance--much fun. There are always many activities and the sense of family is felt the moment you drive in. LoWs have a winter camp at the Slabs (2 miles east of Niland, CA--Niland is on the east side of the Salton Sea in Southern California). Wonderful weather. We have a hugh slab where we have dances at least twice a week, cards and games every day, morning coffee, campfires, sing-alongs, breakfast and dinners several times a week, a library, post office, club house, horseshoes, shuffle board, bean bags, social hours, painting classes, trips and the list goes on and on. There are no hook-ups (no water, elec. or sewer) but you may get water and dump only two miles away. One of the LoWs does have a truck that he will haul water to you for a small fee. There is always some activity going on and it is much much fun.
Web Page: http://www.lonersonwheels.com/