Senior Singles RV Clubs

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RVW ............................................................................................ LOW ............................................................................................
Loners on Wheels
P.O Box 1355
Poplar Bluff, Mo 63902
Web Page:

There are camping spots where single folks gather.    They are:

(1) Lozark Park, Ellsinore, Missouri. A singles only RV park for senior citizens.

(2) Meadowbrook RV Park, Perris, CA. A "Designed for Seniors" campground.

(3) The 'Slabs' in southern California just outside a small town called Niland. It's a 'free' desert area, formally an Army (Air Force?) base that pulled out and left the cement slabs (building foundations). No hookups - no facilities. All kinds of RV clubs hold continuous campouts there from September thru March. The RVs camped there in winter number in the *hundreds*.....!

(4) Florilow Oaks RV Park, Bushnell, Florida. (Quoted from an article): Florilow Oaks never seems to run out of something for everyone. Whether you love to bowl, play golf, swim, ride your bike, or just walk -- there are plenty of opportunities for any of the foregoing.

(5) Coyote Howls, Why, Arizona. Situation similar to the 'Slabs'.

(6) The desert near Quartzite, Arizona. The biggest (*hugh*) gathering of snowbirds and RV Clubs in the country, the world...!!!

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